The Board of Directors, in a meeting held on December 5, 2024, resolved as follows:
Under paragraph a) of article 2 of the Tariff Regulation, occupancy rates for buildings and landfills within the port operation area to be applied in the Port of Viana do Castelo were set as follows:
A. Freight parking:
- The following fees are due for the use of uncovered areas for freight parking:
a) Containers: €2.2108 per square meter and per month;
b) Ro-Ro Cargo: €1.1054 per square meter and per month*;
c) Project Cargo: €1.1054 € per square meter and per month*;
d) Other Breakbulk and Bulk Cargo: €0.7056 per square meter and per month.
* In 2025, the fee for Ro-Ro Cargo and Project Cargo will be €0.8985 per square meter and per month.
- For the use of covered area for freight parking, a fee of €1.4231 per square meter and per month is due.
B. Other occupations:
- For the use of covered areas for workshops and tools to support port operations, a fee of €2.2108 per square meter and per month is due.
- For the use of covered area for other purposes, a fee of €12.0927 per square meter and per month is due.
- For the occupation of land or water plans by infrastructure and equipment for the production of electrical energy, a fee of €2.2108 per square meter and per month is due.
- For the occupation of land or water plans for construction purposes (fencing/shipyards, mobile platform or scaffolding) a fee of €2.2108 per square meter and per week is due.
- For the occupation of land or water plans with other structures or special installations on the ground within the scope of operations, a fee of €4.4216 per square meter and per month is due.
- For the occupation of land dedicated to vehicle parking, a fee of €2.2108 per square meter and per month is due.
- Other occupations and uses not expressly provided for in previous numbers are subject to a fee of €8.8432 per square meter and per month.
The request for the use of uncovered and covered areas for freight parking and other uses must be addressed to Port Operations and Security Department, for a monthly period. Port areas to be requested may be for the whole or part (plot/lot) available, and must include dedicated areas to the merchandise and handling operations, allowing free access to the cargo at all times and cannot be taken up by other uses.
The request for the use of port area for other purposes must be addressed to Port Operations and Security Department, for a monthly period and in exceptional circumstances it may be for a shorter period. Areas to be requested may be for the whole or for part (plot/lot) available and may not be used for other uses.
Rate values set out in paragraph 1 will be updated with effect from 1 January of each year, by applying the average annual rate of change in the consumer price index recorded in September of the previous year, excluding housing, for Portugal, published by the National Institute of Statistics.
Fees shall be settled immediately after the provision of services, unless another procedure is determined by the Port Authority.
Payment of these fees does not exempt payment of any other fees provided for.
Users of uncovered and covered areas and land occupation are subject to these taxes.
Service Order E-008 of 25.05.2018 is revoked
This Service Order shall come into force from 1 January 2025.